Get those huge weight bench attachments of the floor!

Attachments for weight benches can really expand the catalogue of exercises available to you in your homegym: leg curls, leg extentions, chest flys, preacher curls, decline situps. But they can still take up a lot of space, if they are stored on the floor. Therefore, I have written this short article to help you to get some inspiration for how to store a leg extention attachment on your rack.

DIY storage solution for leg extention attachments for power racks

This build is ultra simple. You will need basic tools, a 1 meter long piece of wood (~45×95 mm), a 1-2 cm thick wooden board (~400×200 mm) some wood screws and some spray paint. The spray paint can hide imperfections and make it match your rack.

You then cut two small cubes in a size fit for the thickness of your rack uprights and screw them onto the lower part of the back of your wooden board as shown in the picture below. The function of these two cubes is to stop the DIY attachment from rotating on the rack.

Next you drill a hole in the center of the wooden board with a diameter matching the hole diameter of your rack. In my case it was 16 mm. This hole will allow you the mount the attachment on your rack with a bolt (see picture above).

Now, you cut two 30-45 cm long pieces of wood from the remainder of your 45x95mm and screw them onto the front of your wooden board as shown below. These “horns” will carry your leg extention attachment. MAKE SURE that the distance between the horns will allow your leg extention attachment to fit between them!

Lastly, you drill a hole through both of the horns so that you can fit a wooden rod or a long bolt through both holes. This will allow you to lock the leg extention attachment in place so it does not slide out and hurt someone (see picture below).

Notice how I spray painted my leg extention storage piece black to match my rack. This actually makes it look pretty professional from a far. Several visitors to my gym initially thought that it was a professionally made attachment until they got close to it.

I hope this was useful for your homegym, garagegym or basementgym. AND check out the very last picture below to see how I store my preacher curl attachment on my wall.

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